Jonny Boy Eriksson
Boy Was Here
october–december 2013
In cooperation with Wetterling Gallery, Creativity Unlimited
produced the first public exhibition in Gothenburg featuring
the works and spectacular installations of Johnny Boy Eriksson.
It took place in an abandoned cinema in the city center, where
parts of the huge room was turned into an equally fantastic and
fascinating jungle of thorns, vines, trees, roses and monumental
sculptures, some of them more than three meters high.
This fantasy world – that brought to life visions of voodoo,
the temples of Abu Simbel, and the unpenatrable jungles of an
Indiana Jones film – was created on site by Johnny Boy Eriksson.
The only material used to construct the installation was brown
packing tape. The popular exhibition also included a video work
and a number of additional sculptures made from the same material.