Frieder Weiss Plays Tec Art
Light installation by Frieder Weiss
August 31 – September 21 2013
Frieder Weiss is one of the world’s foremost designers of motion
sensing software for interactive light installations used in music
videos as well as dance, theater and artistic performances. He
works with world famous artists like Madonna, Lady Gaga and
Kylie Minogue, and with performance companies and institutions
such as Chunky Moves, Sydney Opera House, the Shanghai opera
and the London Royal Ballet. In the summer of 2013, Creativity
Unlimited brought together Frieder Weiss with students at the
Department of engineering physics, Chalmers University of
Technology, in a project which aimed to combine teaching and
tutoring with exchange of knowledge and artistic work.
Working together with Frieder Weiss, the students were given the
opportunity to design new software for an innovative, interactive
artistic work – Flow – where sound, light, music and movement
would mix to form an integrated perfomance. This digital
performance would then be triggered and directed by people
– on a few occasions professional dancers from the Gothenburg
Opera Ballet, but more often through the interactions of the
audience. The installation took place in an abandoned cinema
in the center of Gothenburg. Whereas Flow was created on site,
the interactive work Schlamp! (Slut!) had previously been shown
in a few cities around Europe. In Schlamp!, a picture of a young
girl in a tight, short red dress is projected onto the floor,
allowing the audience to tread, stamp, jump or just walk over
her. The girl then reacts to this ’abuse’ in different ways.
Schlamp! is a work by dancer/coreographer Emily Fernandez and
Frieder Weiss. Together with Mattias Härtig, they form the group
HypeCycle. The whole group was involved in both installations.
Frieder Weiss Plays TecArt was part of a satellite project of
the Gothenburg International Biennal for Contemporary Art 2013.
The project continued and developed further after the exhibition,
resulting in several fruitful collaborations between Frieder
Weiss and Chalmers University of Technology. In connection to
the installations, artist and lyricist Ralph Holmström presented
his thoughts and reflections on relating subjects in a separate
part of the exhibition room.
Frieder Weiss Plays TecArt was produced in cooperation with:
Chalmers University of Technology
GIBCA – Göteborg Interbational Biennal for Contemporary Art
Åke Parmerud (composer, new media artist)
With the support of: Kulturbryggan
Wallestam Fastigheter