The Childrens Festival
Trädgårdsföreningen, August 2013
The Children’s Festival is part of Gothenburg’s Culture
Festival in August every year. It takes place in a popular
botanical garden in the center of the city, and focuses
on events and attractions for children and teenagers.
In 2013, Creativity Unlimited participated with a program
where we invited both young an old to learn more about
basic technology in playful ways. In our tent, children
could, among other things, construct their own
’smoke cannons’, using a plastic glass with a hole in
the bottom, a balloon, and smoke from a smoke machine.
Soon enough, hundreds of children lined up to build their
own ’cannons’. We also demonstrated 3Dprinting – something
that attracted many both children and adults, whose eyes
grew wider as they watched the printers produce a number
of basic objects.
CU:s program during The Children’s festival was produced
in cooperation with:
Chalmers University of Technology
Creative Tools AB
Göteborgs Kulturkalas (The Gothenburg Culture Festival)